Wednesday, December 28, 2011

We Are Living to Make Your Name High!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011 -- Last Day

It figures that the last day in Haiti, I would wake up at 5:15. The sunrise was beautiful though!

Anyway, like I was saying the last post, we planned a skit of the Nativity Story. We had Mary and Joseph, the Inn-Keeper, baby Jesus, and all of the animals. So we took our wonderful theater skills and performed the skit to three different orphanages in the area. We had to change up some of the words so that the Haitians would understand. Instead of an inn, we had to say "Mary and Joseph went to stay at a friend's house, but there was no room", and instead of the typical animals, we had a chicken, donkey, horse, pig, and goat. I was honored to be the pig :) There was a narrator and a translator so there was no language barrier, which was nice. At the end of the skit, we all jumped up from the Nativity, and sang "Jesus Loves Me" with all of the kids. They loved it and laughed a few times. We stayed and played at each orphanage for a while after the play. It is amazing how much joy kids can bring to your life.

                                                  ^ I made an excellent pig ;)

                                               ^ singing Jesus Loves Me

The third orphanage was my favorite. The kids were so well-behaved and fun. They were malnourished, which broke my heart. But I still had fun dancing with them and taking pictures. I took a picture of one little girl, and after that, she climbed up on my lap and would not get down. She loved getting her picture taken so we had a mini photo shoot.

                                                 ^ Good Samaritan Orphanage

After the last orphanage, we loaded up in the cantor and went to the beach for a few hours. A couple of the MOH kids went with us, so that was fun. It was relaxing after the week we had, and it helped us bond more as a team. The water was so clear! A few of us swam, probably waist-deep, out to tiny docks. There were a couple guys on the shore that were catching crabs and lobsters closer than we were. They were the biggest crabs I had ever seen, it was so gross! We took some group photos, then headed back to the mission.

                                               ^ group photo: "awkward prom"

For our team meeting that night, we all went to the top of the guesthouse roof under the stars. It was a wonderful night of debriefing, and learning about how Haiti changed us. We talked about our most memorable moments. And even a week later, I'm not sure what mine is. I haven't had much time to slow down and really think about what my favorite part was. Every bit of it was life-changing and amazing! I am so thankful that the Lord brought me to Haiti. It was definitely a much-needed change of pace. It took me out of my comfort zone by throwing me into a completely new culture and way of life. But I knew God was leading me through the whole thing. I believe He worked through each and every team member during the week in an individual way.

                                            ^ last night in Haiti... beautiful sunset

2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

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