Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Just Some Random Thoughts

Well, it's been a month since I've been in Haiti...that is crazy to me!
I am still in awe of how God has changed me in 30 days, and how He is still changing me.
These past few days I have been going through the pictures from my trip and re-reading my posts, and I cannot wait until the next opportunity comes for me to go back!

Haiti has been on my heart and mind pretty much 24/7 lately. Winter isn't my favorite time of year, for many personal reasons, not just the cold because of that, my mind wanders a lot. I am constantly thinking about what the kids are doing in Titanyen, how the 3 Chords women are doing, and how I can't seem to find my friends from Minotri on Facebook. I promised them a friend request as soon as I got home, and I cannot find them for the life of me! I've been praying for another chance to go, even just for a couple of days in the near future. Crazy me, I even looked up plane tickets the other day.

So now my goal is to get a job and start saving for next time. God is really teaching me how to be patient with all of this. When I get an idea, I usually don't let it go until I actually go through with it. Galatians 6:9 says "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." So now I am just relying on God to show me when I am supposed to make my next trip, and even though I am impatient, I am perfectly okay with that :)

This post really doesn't have a good "point" to it, but like the title says, these are just my random thoughts :)

While praying for another chance to go to Haiti, I've kept in touch with some of the people on the team that I went with. It's great having a way to be connected even though we come from all over the place.

Also, to everyone who supported me through my journey, you all have been on my mind lately. I am still in awe that God put you in my life in such a big way! It even makes me a little teary-eyed to think that you guys would be willing to support me either financially or through prayer. You all mean so much to me and have been such a HUGE blessing, in case you didn't already know :)

So, I think that's all I have to say for now....sorry for my random mess of thoughts!